30 Common Criminal Charges Explained

Property Crimes


Takes someone else’s property without permission with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.


Unlawfully enters a building with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft, inside.


Takes property directly from another person using force, intimidation, or threats.

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Steals merchandise from a retail store, usually considered a form of theft.


Willfully destroys or damages someone else’s property.


Intentionally sets fire to property, usually with malicious intent.

Crimes Against Persons


Threatening or attempting to cause bodily harm to another person, with or without actual physical contact.


Unlawful touching of another person with intent to harm or offend.

Domestic Violence:

Physical, emotional, or psychological abuse within a domestic relationship, such as between spouses or family members.


The killing of one person by another; murder, manslaughter, or justifiable homicide.


Killing someone without thought, which may be classified into voluntary (passion killing) or involuntary offenses (reckless or negligent).


The crime of unlawful detention and confinement of someone against their will, often transporting the victim.


A crime of persistent following, harassing, or intimidating someone to fear.

Drug Offenses

Possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances without permission.

Drug Trafficking

Manufacturing, distributing, or selling illicit drugs on a large scale.

Possession with intent to distribute

Possession of drugs in amounts or conditions that would lead one to believe that they are intended for sale.

Drug Paraphernalia Possession:

Possession of equipment or devices used to manufacture or prepare drugs, such as syringes or pipes.

White-Collar Crimes


Obtaining money or property from someone by deceiving them, including credit card fraud, tax fraud, and insurance fraud.


Taking money entrusted to you, such as stealing money from an employer.

Identity Theft:

Using someone else’s personal information without their permission, often for financial gain.

Insider Trading:

Illicitly using inside information to trade in stocks or other securities.

Money Laundering:

Concealing the source of illegally obtained money by processing it through legitimate businesses or accounts.

Sex Crimes

Sexual Assault:

Any sexual contact without consent, from unwanted touching to rape.


Forcing another person to have sexual intercourse without his or her consent, usually with physical force or coercion.

Child Pornography:

Creating, possessing, or distributing sexually explicit material involving minors.


Committing or soliciting to commit sexual acts for money and other forms of remuneration

Public Order Offenses

 Disorderly Conduct: 

Engage in conduct causing public alarm and affrightment, such as public intoxication or fighting

Public Intoxication: Visible drunkenness or intoxication in a public place to pose a danger or to create a nuisance.

Loitering: To loiter around in a public place without proper purpose or direction and is found to be associating with bad characters.

 Weapons Offenses :

Violation of any firearm or weapon-related laws, including illegal possession or carrying without a permit.

The charges can range from a misdemeanor to a felony depending on the intent, harm caused, and circumstances.



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